How Do You Get the Maximum Exposure for your Home Listing and Ensure Your Get the Best Price for Your Home?
Our Home Seller Concierge Service ensures that our exclusive digital marketing team will get the maximum exposure for your listing.
- Professional Photography
- Video Tours
- Exclusive Marketing Through Online Search and Social Media Technologies
- Highly Targeted Advertising
- We take Texts, Calls, Instant Messaging, Online Chat, and More and WE ANSWER FAST!
- Pounding the pavement – we work the neighborhoods like no other realtor can.
We shoot professional video tours for our sellers.
Many agents don’t invest this type of time and money into their listings due to the high cost of the video. We feel nothing delivers an emotional connection to a piece of property better than video.
These are then distributed across Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and any other 3rd party property search site that allows for video tours to be displayed.

We use one of the best commercial photographers in Portland to shoot ALL of our listing.
High production images of you property gets buyers interested and in the door. This also makes it easy to distribute eye-catching images across our social media platforms and any digital advertising or print advertising campaigns.
There just is not substitute for good photos.
Understanding how the online Buyer thinks and how to best respond to their crazy expectations is what makes us better, faster, lighter-on-our-toes and different.
The online home shopper also expects you to react to any email, text, phone call and IM within 3-7 minutes. If you don’t they simply move on and call someone else. We have become experts at answering texts, calls and IM’s as fast as possible.
With the explosion of smart phones, tablets and phablits we have seen a MASSIVE increase in the percentage of visitors to all of our sites using these portable devices to view our site content. 42% of visitors to our sites are now accessing them via a mobile device. That is huge! If your site and/or you listings on that site do not have the ability to be “fully-responsive” (meaning the site automatically resizes itself to fit the screen size of the viewer) then that consumer just leaves and go to a site that does adjust for their device.
Larsson Realty was founded on a commitment to professionalism and customer service that continues to be the core of our business philosophy today.
Our proven digital Marketing System represent our ongoing commitment to meeting and exceeding our clients’ expectations.