In-House Photogropher
503-807-9525 cell
Born in raised in Lake Oswego, Oregon, and having spent decades around the Portland Metro area, I am very much acclimated to the Portland area and what it has to offer, and can put this knowledge and experience to work in a myriad of ways, helping buyers and sellers.
Graduating from Portland State School of Business Administration with a degree in Real Estate Finance in 2007, I began my career in real estate immediately, working for Marcus & Millichap, the nation’s largest real estate investment company. As a multi-family broker, I assisted investors with the acquisition and disposition of income-producing real estate. I acquired strong negotiating and networking skills, and was able to carry these strengths with me into residential real estate, which has worked out well. In addition, I am a Relocation Trained Specialist and obtained my SRES (Seniors Real Estate Specialist) designation, two valuable titles to add to the Oregon Real Estate License. To add to the education and experience that I possess, I have been professionally photographing real estate since 2010, and have had tremendous success in doing so, drawing buyers in from all over the world as they search on their computers and mobile devices.
I go well beyond putting a listing in the RMLS and waiting for phone calls. Every listing will be broadcast to all the Realtors in the area who are working with buyers on a regular basis. In addition, each listing will rank high in Google search ratings, along with all the other real estate websites out there such as Zillow,, and many more, making sure any interested buyer will see the home right away. Adding the stunning photography and virtual tours to these methods of marketing the home to all interested parties has yielded amazing results for years.